Saturday, October 29, 2005

Backyard Baseball

We take time out for some fun time before tearing down some old fencing in the back of the property. The pasture will much safer for the horses.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Take Your Medicine

Time for deworming! I was able to get Cassie and Lightning taken care of without any problems; Cricket is a bit of a challenge. I'm going to try filling the application tubes with applesauce to get her used to them. This could take a while.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Double Time

We haven't had a chance to ride in a while, so I take Cassie and Lightning for a walk to stretch their legs a bit.

Couple of Eskimos

Ellen and Andy create an ice cave to protect themselves from Dad's snowball onslaught.


We put Cricket in the round pen in order to bandage a couple leg injuries that resulted after a squabble over hay. Poor thing!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Shelter in the Storm

These two take shelter from the blizzard raging around them. They will be comfortable here protected from the wet and wind, along with hay to keep their bellies full and bodies warm.

Time Out

Cassie is not happy being separated from the others during the first storm of the season. She would not let Cricket and Lightning share the shelter with her.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Blanket Time

The forewarnings of winter have arrived in Colorado already and horse blankets have come out of storage. Lightning is snug under cover as we wait for the big storm to come tonight.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


The sun is setting sooner now that fall is here. We can barely spend an hour with our animals in the evenings. But, the skies are still beautiful as we look to the eastern horizon.

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